Monday, March 11, 2013

Project finishing for first quarter of FAL

I am listing my projects for the first quarter for the She Can Quilt Finish-A-Long  Although I can't register for the prizes, I am still going to state my finish goals. 

1.  First off is to finish putting up my design wall.  I have the foam insulation and the 108" wide white flannel.  Now to put it up on the wall.
Right now the darn foam is in the hallway!

2.  Second is to finish the quilt I am making for my Grandniece Lauren.  All I have left to do is to attach the binding and label and mail it off.  Should be doable.
3.  Next I will finish the Challenge quilt for March for my art quilt group, Fiber Funsters.  The theme is "waiting" and I have a cool landscape idea that has been an obsession.  Unfortunately I won't be able to go to the meeting this month, so the motivation to get moving on this project is low.  But I don't want to get behind, so am determined to finish.  No picture in case any FFers check in here!

4.  My daughter-in-law's sister is having a baby so I have a cute charm pack and a simple pattern that I want to do for her.
It won't upload, but the charm pack is Moda Ticklish and the pattern is just stripes of the joined charms separated by white.  Opportunity to practice some of the negative space ideas in Angela Walters's Craftsy class that I completed recently.

5.  Last to list but probably not to do is the Pile O'Fabrics Skill Builder Bom

I started FMQing the one in the top right when my machine suddenly developed a need to go to the shop (I hit the foot with the needle, oops!).  It is called "Sound Wave" and the one to its left is "Magnum"; bottom left to right is "Mood" and "Em Dash".  I have been working with Leah Day's books and website to come up with my own FMQ designs, but Alyssa at the Pile O'Fabrics has some pretty nice ideas for each block so I might just stick with the suggestions and actually get them done.

Do you think I can finish these before the sign up at She Can Quilt Finish-A-Long on April 9???  I am betting YES.

1 comment:

  1. I think you can get these done, too, Sally. Having stated goals and a timeline helps motivate us so much!
